15 Best Tips to Beat Afternoon Slump Without Coffee!

by Shamsul
Afternoon Slump
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Beat Afternoon Slump Without Coffee!

Whether at the office, at school or simply at home, the famous afternoon slump can be a brutal. It sometimes hits us without warning and puts a brake on our momentum with difficulty concentrating, a lack of motivation, and repeated yawning.

Although natural, this phenomenon can be complicated to manage when we have obligations like a deadline or a meeting.

So, is this afternoon slump insurmountable? Is the solution hidden in a cup of coffee or an energy drink? Not necessarily! The good news is that there are many tools to minimize (and tame) the afternoon energy drop AND energize yourself when it occurs.

15 Tips To Beat Afternoon Slump

Read these 15 tips to beat afternoon slump, without resorting to caffeine. But first, let’s explain the how and why of this occurrence.

Beat Afternoon Slump

Why Do We Feel Tired in the Afternoon?

Is the afternoon energy slump inevitably painful? The answer is not black and white, since several factors contribute to it. However, one thing is certain – it is natural.

Our body is regulated by an internal biological clock, the circadian rhythm. This 24-hour cycle manages several biological processes that fluctuate depending on the time of day. Among these are blood pressure, hormone production, body temperature and, of course, level of alertness!

Afternoon Slump

Drum roll: this daily cycle dictates that around 3 p.m., we are naturally more tired and less alert. Simple as that. Our body tells us that it’s time to chill.

So, before diving into the different ways to regain your energy in the afternoon, here is an invitation to tame your natural rhythm instead of immediately trying to fight it. We can change our perception of afternoon fatigue by understanding that it is not synonymous with laziness or incompetence. It is rather a reminder that we are humans and not robots!

The goal of this article is not to pump up your productivity at all costs to please your boss and ignore what your body is telling you (hello, overachievement culture!).

Nevertheless, sometimes life makes us have to go against nature. Maybe you have an interview, or a class, or a visit, or a team meeting, or even a theater performance by your child in the afternoon!

Similarly, most of the tips below have benefits that affect other areas of life beyond performance at work or school: physical health, social connection, well-being, etc.

Without further ado, here are several tips for those occasions when we want to find a little pep in the afternoon.

1- Hydrate To Beat Afternoon Slump

Hydrate To Beat Afternoon Slump

Many people live their daily lives in a state of chronic dehydration without knowing it! The body – including the brain – needs an adequate intake of fluids to function optimally.

Research has shown that even mild dehydration harms cognitive function and mood. So, keep your favorite water bottle handy and drink regularly to reach the recommended 2.5 liters of water per day. Note that this water intake is an estimate and may vary depending on your level of exercise and the climate in which you live.

2- Listen to Music

Music To Beat Afternoon Slump

Of course a song can change how you feel! One study even showed that fast-paced music improves physical performance during training. Play your favorite upbeat playlist for a stimulating effect that will wake you up from your torpor. Need to focus? Try an instrumental playlist.

3- Take A walk

Take a walk

The human body did not evolve to stay still for hours at a time. When the body stagnates, energy stagnates too. Moving is a practical, free and effective way to get out of your head; it’s self-care!

Making the effort to integrate movement into everyday life doesn’t have to be tedious. A simple 10-minute walk is enough to clear your mind and get a little exercise while chasing away fatigue and improving concentration.

You can also incorporate mindfulness principles and walking without distractions (i.e. without your phone). You might notice a pretty flower, a cool breeze, or a smile from a stranger!

PS: Did you know that walking helps with digestion and stabilizes blood sugar levels and that stable blood sugar levels also balance energy levels? So take advantage of this opportunity to go for a short walk right after lunch. It’s an easy tip that can make a big difference in your afternoon.

4- Laugh To Beat Afternoon Slump

Laugh To Beat Afternoon Slump

According to a study from the University of Nebraska, the simple act of laughing has a positive effect on mood (obviously), but also on vitality.

Laughter lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and too much cortisol can actually drain energy. This research also concluded that we can even feel more able to tackle difficult projects after a good laugh.

So incorporate a little humor into your day; it’s tiring to take ourselves too seriously anyway!

5- Eat A Balanced Lunch (and breakfast)

Eat A Balanced Lunch

The contents of our plate have a major influence on concentration and energy levels in the hours that follow.

While some blindly blame carbohydrates at dinner for the post-meal fatigue peak, there is an important nuance to be made here. Carbohydrates in themselves do not cause problems: they are a source of energy, after all. However, excess carbohydrates (and especially simple sugars) in the absence of other nutrients causes more problems.

Indeed, it is vital to accompany your carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread, juice, dessert, etc.) with fiber, protein and a touch of good fats. Such a combination stabilizes blood sugar, preventing blood sugar levels from having a big spike followed by a trough. Large glycemic fluctuations not only promote fatigue and sugar cravings, but also type 2 diabetes

The contents of our plate have a major influence on concentration and energy levels in the hours that follow.

For Example:

A plate of white pasta with Alfredo sauce, without anything else, will cause a greater variation in blood sugar than a plate of whole wheat pasta with a good dose of vegetables, tomato sauce, a source of protein and a drizzle of olive oil.

In addition, although lipids (fatty acids) are essential to the diet, it is better to avoid excessively fatty meals at lunch. This is because lipids take longer to digest and can therefore cause a feeling of heaviness or even “slowness” when you eat too much at once.

Finally, it is not only the composition of the dinner that must be considered; the size of it also has an effect on the afternoon slump!

A large lunch promotes fatigue, because digestion is an energy-consuming process. To prevent a stomach that cries out for food at lunchtime – which increases the risk of “throwing yourself on food” and overeating – we focus on a nutritious lunch and keep healthy snacks on hand (more details below).

On the contrary, it is hardly better to eat less. Although the community is now more aware of the impact of diet culture, a reminder is necessary.

Calories are units of energy: if caloric intake is chronically too low, we risk feeling – you guessed it – tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. That’s without mentioning the risk of nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance and weakening of the immune system!

In short, to have strength, both physical and mental, you have to eat properly. In other words, you fill your plate with nutritious foods while listening to your hunger and satiety signals to give your body the amount of food it needs to fuel.

6- Energize Yourself With Cold Water

Energize Yourself With Cold Water

There’s no shortage of ideas to enjoy the benefits of cold water! For an instant boost, a splash of cold water on the face always does the trick. This gesture instantly activates blood circulation and awakens the senses.

If you can, why not take a quick cold shower? To a lesser extent, drinking ice water is another alternative. You can also dip your hands in a bowl of water with ice cubes.

7- Have Good Sleep To Beat Afternoon Slump

Good Sleep To Beat Afternoon Slump

This is obvious, but it’s worth remembering: the duration and quality of sleep have a direct impact on energy and cognition. Yes, it’s tempting to encroach on bedtime to watch one more episode, but this can result in brain fog the following day.

Did you know that alcohol disrupts deep sleep?

Here are Some Tips For Getting More Restful Sleep:

1- Make sure you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night (the optimal amount varies from person to person).

2- Go to bed and wake up at relatively consistent times (ideally on weekends too).

3- Be careful with your caffeine intake, which can stay in your system for up to 10 hours after ingestion.

4- Try not to eat or drink too much before bed.

5- Don’t consume alcohol in the hours before bedtime – alcohol interferes with deep sleep.

6- Limit your screen time in the late evening.

8- Chew Gum To Beat Afternoon Slump

Chew Gum To Beat Afternoon Slump

Research suggests that chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain while stimulating the autonomic nervous system, making us more alert. Apparently, mint gum has the most stimulating effect…

Speaking of chewing: don’t forget to chew your lunch well to facilitate digestion in the afternoon! Many of us tend to swallow our food whole. Take the time to notice your own chewing process.

The practice of chewing in bulk is as simple as anything, and it allows for better digestion; digestion begins in the mouth, because saliva contains digestive enzymes. In addition, taking the time to chew your mouthful forces us to slow down, which connects us to our hunger and satiety signals. Finally, it allows us to swallow less air, reducing bloating.

9- Stretch

Stretch To Beat Afternoon Slump

When the body remains frozen for long periods, the mind follows. Bye blockages! Try a short stretching session that will jolt you out of your lethargy by releasing body tension and improving blood flow.

The good news is that you don’t need a mat to stretch—a quick shot of chair yoga is enough to take a break and energize your afternoon.

10- Take a Nap To Beat Afternoon Slump

Take a Nap

Many cultures honor the circadian rhythm by incorporating a restful afternoon, such as the siesta in Spain.

If your circumstances allow, you can treat yourself to a short nap: 10 to 20 minutes of sleep is enough to wake up refreshed. The benefits of napping include increased creativity, improved memory, and reduced irritability.

Note: The ideal time to catch a snooze without disrupting your circadian rhythm is between 1 and 3 p.m.

11- Limit Sugary Snacks

Less sugar intake

When the 3pm slump suddenly hits, it’s tempting to reach for sugar to re-energize… especially if you don’t have anything on hand.

The problem is that sugary foods (made up of simple carbohydrates) like cookies, juice, or store-bought granola bars can give you a short burst of energy… followed by a post-consumption crash.

Sugar can give you a short burst of energy followed by a post-consumption crash.

In contrast, a balanced snack, including fiber and nutrients, helps maintain physical and mental vigor. Here are some ideas for nutritious snacks to fuel your brain and avoid the temptation of the vending machine:

1- Homemade raw vegetables or crackers with hummus

2- Roasted peanuts with rosemary, parmesan and pepper

3- No-bake protein bars

4- Roasted chickpeas

5- Kale chips

6- Healthy quinoa, apple and date muffins

7- Edamame beans to snack on

8- Homemade popcorn

A Tip: if you really want to treat yourself (because we can treat ourselves from time to time), eat it for dessert and not as a snack. This is because a sugary food impacts blood sugar more drastically if it is consumed on an empty stomach.

12- Expose Yourself To The Sun

Sunlight is a real remedy for drowsiness and other ailments! This is explained by the hormonal impact of daylight. It reduces the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, while increasing serotonin, which is associated with a better mood.

As a bonus, 10 to 15 minutes of direct exposure to the sun, 2 to 3 times a week, is enough to support the production of vitamin D. Statistics indicates that a good portion of population are deficient in this vitamin, which can lead to fatigue and demotivation.

Sunlight is a real remedy for drowsiness

Ideally, we also try to get some natural light within an hour of waking up, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Note that the sun’s rays coming from a window do not have the same benefits as those that reach the skin directly, as most windows partially or completely block UV rays.

Important: When exposed to the sun for a long time, don’t forget to wear sunscreen… even in the car!

Is it gray or can’t go outside? Turn on some lamps, stand near a window: the goal is to avoid darkness, especially after dinner. Light therapy is another interesting option, proven to be effective against seasonal depression.

13- Use the Power of Breathing

Use the Power of Breathing

It’s easy to take your breathing for granted. After all, it’s a process that literally happens every second of our lives! However, this mechanical action also has a power: when we pay attention to it, breathing can calm us or energize us.

An invigorating technique to try, called double breathing, goes like this:

1- Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.

2- Take a short breath in through your nose, pause for a split second, and follow with a deep breath in through your nose.

3- Exhale briefly through your mouth, pause for a tiny moment, and then follow with a long breath out.

4- Repeat the technique at least 10 times, then take note of how you feel.

Wim Hof, a well-known figure in the world of breathwork explains that this method wakes up the body by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

14- Try Aromatherapy To Beat Afternoon Slump

Aromatherapy To Beat Afternoon Slump

Can a scent really dispel fatigue? Research suggests it can!

Certain essential oils can banish fatigue and improve memory!

Certain essential oils have been scientifically studied for their energizing properties. The conclusion? Peppermint, spearmint, orange, lemon, and rosemary essential oils offer a variety of invigorating properties. Alone or in combination, they can help ward off fatigue and improve physical performance, memory, and mood.

PS: You can also smell a lemon cut in half to give yourself a little boost!

PPS: Yes, the title of the article mentions ways to energize without coffee, but an exception is necessary here. Did you know that a study shows that the aroma of coffee, on its own, can make us feel more alert? That’s a pretty powerful association between our senses and our brain!

15- Socialize To Beat Afternoon Slump

Socialize To Beat Afternoon Slump

When your eyelids get heavy in the afternoon, your first instinct is probably not to go chat. Yet engaging in conversation can be all it takes to break up the monotony and stimulate the brain (by giving us new perspectives, for example).

1- Imagine even taking a walk, in the sun, with someone who makes you laugh

2- That’s a great combination of four ways to wake up!

A little reminder: The dreaded afternoon slump is natural and can be tamed (they figured it out in Spain, entéka). It is a completely normal phenomenon; it comes from our biological clock that governs fluctuations in our energy level.

However, several variables can influence the severity of this drop in energy. To recap, if you feel like your performance (physical or cognitive) is not at its best.

Questions To Avoid Afternoon Slump

Here are Some Questions Worth Asking To Avoid Afternoon Slump:

1- Do I integrate movement into my daily life or am I rather sedentary?

2- Do I sleep well or do I scroll through social media late at night?

3- Do I eat healthily or do I tend to eat ultra-processed foods?

4- Do I expose myself to natural light or am I lacking sun?

5- Am I drinking enough water or am I relying on coffee instead?

The idea here is not to boost your productivity in the name of capitalism, but simply to give yourself a boost if you want to have energy in the afternoon… and in life in general! In any case, it can’t hurt to be physically active, hydrate yourself, sleep well and eat healthily, right?

If your fatigue is constant and you feel like you can’t get over it, the problem may go deeper than just a simple afternoon slump. A feeling of intense exhaustion is a possible symptom of a larger problem: burnout, nutritional deficiency, sleep disorders, etc. Listen to your body and your intuition and consult your doctor if in doubt.

This is end of Afternoon Slump post. Please spread the knowledge.

Have a good afternoon!


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